oh my sweet carolina
I’ve decided that working at the library is just about as fun as banging my hand with a hammer for two hours. I haven’t figured out which one is more painful though. Smashing my hand would hurt a bit, but not quite as much as listening to my boss talk about shelving techniques and how important it is to document absolutely everything so that they have records. I guess I shouldn’t complain—I’ve been eating all the baked desserts that people bring in for the week.
In the last week or so my motivation to study has slipped to near nothing. I think that’s becoming a common trend. If I graphed it out, it would look something like this:

That’s exponential decay right there. Fortunately it looks like I’ll never hit 0%.
On a similar note, my drinking habits are most likely positively correlated to my motivation. Unfortunately, my grades are also positively correlated to my motivation.
I have two bosses at the library. Both of them just looked at me, started whispering, and closed the door to their office to chat. Suspicious. It might be said that my motivation is also affecting my performance at work, but I doubt it since this job consists of sitting at a desk that receives no more than two customers per hour. I really hope they fire me.
With that being said, I think I’m going to get drunk and carouse the book stacks in my boxers tomorrow.
hahaha jack i love the opening sentence. work can be frustrating man, i know what it's like when you think people are trash talking behind your back. so annoying.
dude you should quite your job and get your head straight. life is short live it on purpose!
don't trust comments made by people who can't spell 'quit'.
I'll be in your grace soon enough.
totally, it's getting pretty old
agreed. i was debating whether or not to hold off until i get a raise. but really i don't think i give a shit about an extra 70 cents.
You just blogged my entire life!!!!!!
I work at a library too! and everything you wrote feels like you took the words right out of my mouth. But i don't hate it all the time... actually it's the best job i've ever had! BUT BORING!!! meh...
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