Saturday, July 7

i made up my mind that i would live today

I’ve been a bit incommunicado this past week. A few days ago I dropped my phone in the toilet. Thankfully it still works, but recently the front screen has stopped working. I’ve gone through three cell phones in the past year, so when I dropped this one in the toilet I got pretty angry at myself. When I put my last one through the washer I was able to laugh about it. This time, though, I just felt really sad and useless.

It was strange being without a phone for the night that I turned it off to dry. I felt really disconnected from people. For the first time in a few years I used a landline to talk to a friend. It just felt weird.

Lately I’ve been drawing a bit. Nothing spectacular, but that’s my poor excuse for not writing these past few days. I read an article on the stages on blogging the other day. There were only five on the list, the last being abandonment. I would like to add a 6th stage called rebirth where the process starts again. After I stopped writing here, I started writing on this page. Writing regularly is tough sometimes and I suppose it’s always good to take a break and come back with a new spin on things.

The only constant is change.


Evalinn said...

I like your #. Regarding 1-6 I have not followed these stages, or at least not taken them in the right order. Hopefully Blogging Police will not catch me...

I once managed to drop my cell phone in a glass of water standing on the floor next to my bed in a pitch dark room when I was really could I not miss the glass..? The phone dried up and worked for one day and then died...

ezekiel said...

well, i guess you don't have to adhere to the six stages.

haha, that's so funny with your cell phone. i think i would just have to start laughing if that happened to me. it would be a really sad laugh though.

Evalinn said...

Luckily it was my work phone, so I had it replaced for free. Don't really think they believed me when I told them what had happened though... :-)

The Nomad said...

Hi, and thanks ... :)

There's a funny story with the phone, here's my own ... my driver dropped his phone in water and as he laid it out to dry ... someone stole it!!

And i'm pleasantly surprised to see some of my fav books, music and even blogs (postsecret) on yours!