Well, I’m pretty excited that Matt has started his own page. It’ll be interesting to see how the conversation evolves over the next few months.
I watched What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? earlier today. It was pretty good. I think I would have to watch it a few more times before grasping some of the concepts that they present.
One idea that they present, is that life is all about possibilities, and each atom is not so much a piece of matter, but rather a possibility. I think that it’s really easy to forget that we always have a choice. Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of people just settle for what they have. It’s never okay to settle for mediocrity because each moment is a possibility. Breaking out of this causal chain is much easier said than done, though, and people have tendencies to stick with what they’ve always done.
These habits, these addictions, the ups and downs we put ourselves through, are so painful to break away from that people go through withdrawal, and often go back to their old habits.
It is along the same lines, that Socrates postulates:
If you think what you have always thought,
Then you will feel what you have always felt.
If you feel what you have always felt,
Then you will do what you have always done.
If you do what you have always done,
Then you will get what you have always gotten.
If you get what you have always gotten,
Then you will think what you have always thought.
Cause & effect. What a horrible ride it can be. What a wonderful ride it can be.
It begs the question. When I live a causal life of chemical induced addictions, what choices do I have?
Perhaps it's the choice to break out of this mediocre state of existence that we settle for everyday, which will allow us to truly live and know ourselves. So what ever are we waiting on, and why is that so damn scary?