Wednesday, June 6

you are here!

I’m going to change up my style a bit. Reinvent the wheel and what not. We’ll see how it goes.

I’ve hit a creative rut again. The story of my life.

Being a custodian at the community center is kind of tiring. Now that camp has started, kids are in and out of the building every day. The job itself is kind of funny though. I’ll find the most random things lying around. Socks in the bathroom, half eaten sandwiches on the floor, underwear, swimsuits, etc. I have no idea how so much stuff could be forgotten. When I went in to clean one of the offices a note swung out from around the door handle that said “You are here!” in crayon. Summer has been kind of depressing thus far. I’m pretty sure I know why, but I haven't figured out the best way to fix it. That note made me laugh some.

Matt told me about an organization similar to the one Fred Phelps runs. It’s called A True Church and is run by a man named Darwin Fish. He does not think he should change his name because it wouldn’t honor his father or mother. Their organization believes that unless you take the Bible to heart and follow it completely, you will go to hell. This kind of bullshit pisses me off. Matt gave me their number and so I called Darwin Fish. I am pretty sure the number connected me to their house telephone and a woman answered:

“Hi, I’m interested in hearing more about A True Church.”
“Just a second”
[Phone is put down and a man picks up, I presume it’s Darwin Fish
since their congregation only has 50 members and he’s the pastor]
“Hi, I’m interested in hearing a little bit more about your organization.”
“Uh, well it’s pretty much on the web, do you have access to a computer?”
“Uhh, how did you hear about us?”
“Through a friend.”
“And how did he hear about us?”
“On the internet, but he’s states away.”
“Well, I mean, you can go to a library or something and use the computers
there. Uh, what did you want to know?”
“Well, I guess I just wanted to know specifically what you believe.”
"Well, we condemn Christianity and believe that anyone who doesn't follow the bible is going to hell. Some people think they believe in the Bible, but they really don’t because they go against God’s Word everyday.”
[At this point I just decided to hang up before I said something rude]
“Ah, interesting…well thanks…”
“Uh, yep.”

There was a tiny bit more, but I don’t think it’s worth writing here. Apparently, his congregation of 50 and whatever small percentage of people actual take the Bible literally, will go to heaven. Unfortunately, Darwin Fish smoked pot in high school for a few months, and according to his church and scripture, will be going to hell for not treating his body like a temple.

If you’re interested in hearing their automated voice message system you can call 1-800-HOW-TRUE. Personally, I think you’ll just be wasting your time. It may make you laugh though.

It’s interesting that they put such faith in words alone. I asked him what Bible they used to draw scripture from, which coincidentally is basically the same Bible you’ll find in a church pew. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, so I wonder how Darwin Fish would feel about all the things that might have been lost in translation. That’s pretty important to know if you’re basing your entire faith off of a book. I guess he found some scripture that talks about that too. What a sad organization.

I don't know what I would do if one of my children ever turned into the next Darwin Fish. How sad, that a being born out of such love should become so hateful.

(I don’t think there’s anything new about my style here. Oh well.)

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