Thursday, May 4


top ten memories from the ilstu
(in no particular order)

  • Waking up to find scattered beer cans, jungle juice cups, and a giant blow up alligator on the floor.
  • Going to a private 21st birthday party for a girl we didn't know with Brittany and Jen.
  • Camping through a tornado warning in Minnesota and then drinking from 9am till 4pm the next day while playing Frisbee in a Halloween costume.
  • Finding Tommy outside of Stevenson bellowing "D. ROSEEEEEEEE" at two o'clock in the morning with a cup of jungle juice in hand.
  • Getting invited to a fireworks display, only to stumble into a group prayer with Morelli and Neil completely drunk.
  • Watching Tommy get a drinking ticket and then chasing after him with D. Rose as he begins to run after the cops yelling "Sir! I would like to request your badge number!"
  • Buying 40 lbs of dry ice at a factory and spending the rest of the night playing with it.
  • Watching Phil completely destroy our room on Sparks and Jager night.
  • Any parties at the Frisbee house, less that one night I threw a piece of pizza at Jen's face.
  • Watching Morelli moan by the front door as he tries to open it after a night of drinking.
honorable mentions
  • Killing a bottle of Jager with Doobie on the first Tuesday of the semester. Bad choice.
  • Dorm life in general
  • Any Marie Dawson lecture with Lauer, Courtney, and D. Rose
  • Jimmy's parties and the aftermath
  • Late night chats with Mr. Tom Dechert and Morelli
  • Going to Shoooooooooooop's amazing lectures and taking his six question open note & book tests.
  • Winding up in a cornfield over two miles off campus.
  • Falling off the top bunk in my sleep, rolling around in pain, and then passing out in Morelli's bed after he gets up to see if I'm alright. None of which I remember.
  • Poetry sessions.
  • Exposing myself during beer pong.
  • On a scale of one to drunk, how drunk are you?
  • Driving to Springfield at midnight to find a Sonic only to discover that it closes at 2am.
  • Tunnel ball in the Batcave with Morelli and Neil
  • Meeting a kid named Chad on the way to La Bambas with Courtney and Jen. Creepy.
  • Excursions to nowhere in particular.
  • Ruining all family meals in some way, shape, or form by playing with my food.
I'm sure there's more...

Halfway done with college. Time flies...


Anonymous said...

im gonna get you back for that just wait!! =)
p.s. that was the BEST bday party i have EVER been too!!!!!!! welllll besides getting the cops called on me that night, and getting sick.....

Anonymous said...

im gonna get you back for that just wait!! =)
p.s. that was the BEST bday party i have EVER been too!!!!!!! welllll besides getting the cops called on me that night, and getting sick.....

Anonymous said...

im gonna get you back for that just wait!! =)
p.s. that was the BEST bday party i have EVER been too!!!!!!! welllll besides getting the cops called on me that night, and getting sick.....

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA 3 comments?!?!?! wtf is that about?!?! fucking enter key....

Anonymous said...


im proud to have played a part in your fond memories of the ilstu...

Anonymous said...

Remember the time I left my smelly socks in your room...oh wait they're still there!! And the time you took Monica and me to the porno bathroom, you will never be forgiven for that.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry the alligator and I are in an open relationship, but I am upset you made her sleep on the floor afterwards.

Lil McGill said...

LOL-!! talk about posting alot, you've been pretty active yourself! but no,99.9% of "Confessions" is only found here, on the blog. Sometimes i'm afraid that it may be lost...which may be why i get so happy when people read THANK YOU from my heart.

Anonymous said...

OH and what about walking ALL the way to IWU to try to go to the library drunk only to find out that it's closed?!?! and you can't forget the time where we left my room to go to the isu library to study, found out it was closing so we ran out an illegal exit, set off the alarm, walked around ISU trying to find a building to study in only to end up exactly where we started at IWU. I'm definitely going to miss you next year Jack!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad my debachury made it in the blog....god knows how much went will be missed next year punkass

Anonymous said...

haha, yea i was going to mention the time you fell out of the bunk, but i see you already have it :)

I'll miss you and all our frisbee playing! (i think the last time we played was the best though...f'ing rain...)

Anonymous said...

can you say j-e-l-l-o?!?! i can!!!!! ill mis you jack!!! =)
p.s. i still strongly hate the enter key....